Saturday, October 17, 2009

Interesting Fact #4: Street Shops and Interview with the Shop Auntie

We were walking along the streets and we saw a little stand that selling little interesting things. There were quite a few such stands. Here's a closer look at the things they are selling.

The shop auntie there told us that these are games that children in the past loved to play. They did not have computer games in those days so the boys liked to play games such as Chapteh and Gasing.The girls liked to play Five Stones. We bought some so that we can ask our parents to teach us how to play those games! Can you also see those tube-like things with mini straws? We can blow bubble-like balloons with them. We had great fun blowing them!

We asked the shop auntie what else did the shops in Kampong Glam used to sell or still sell. She told us that around the corner along Arab Street there were a lot of textile shops. They also sell rattan furniture and carpets there. In the past, Muslim men would also go to Kampong Glam to buy their "songkoks". A songkok is a traditional Malay cap worn by men. The picture here shows what Arab Street today looks like.


  1. Jiarong from 4 CharityOctober 17, 2009 at 9:33 PM

    Oh now I know what is the name of the caps that the Malay men wear during their festive periods!

    There are so many games and they look interesting! Were they difficult to play with? Do the Malay children still play with them nowadays?

  2. Xiao Qiang from 4 CharityOctober 20, 2009 at 9:55 AM

    The shophouses in Chinatown look quite similar to the ones showed in the last picture. The shopkeepers also place their merchandise rather messily outside their shops on the streets.
